Thursday, October 20, 2005

Ask Online III

The online tutoring component for our lab has really flopped. I still believe this has a lot of potential, though. I attribute the failure of this program mainly to the "marketing" I haven't done. I tried to target classes given out at the high schools for students who don't actually come to the lab at all. While that idea worked in theory, it was hard to implement. I relied on an instructor to relay the information to the students. Since the instructor doesn't know much about the online tutoring, he was not able to promote it very well. Only a couple of students signed up, and I just couldn't see having a tutor wait online for a couple hours each week for three students who may never use the program anyway. Last summer I had 20 some signed up, and none of them used it either. I will continue to think of new ways to promote the online tutoring.

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