Tuesday, January 31, 2006

AskOnline IV

I visited the off-campus sites last night, so next week I'm hoping to have a lot of hits on the site. I presented the online tutoring program to the Provost's Management Team on Friday and organized an intense marketing campaign for the campus. I received positive feedback from both our campus and the main campus. Now it's time for the real test - student response.

PTLC co-chair 2

Well, I finally rounded up enough people to be on this committee. Now I just need to find a time when we can all meet. Some members are adjuncts who work in the evening and have long commutes, others are full-time instructors who work during the day. I want to have everyone. The more disciplines involved on the committe, the better the Center will be. As much as I would love to have an "English Teachers Only!" sign posted on the door, I know the instructors at our campus need to have as many resources available to them as possible. We are so far from the main campus, that it's extremely inconvenient to take advantage of the resources there. My mission in this is to make it unnecessary to use those resources.

Monday, January 09, 2006

PTLC co-chair

I've just been made the co-chair of our campus's Professional Teaching and Learning Center. The PTLC provides our faculty with a place to share teaching and learning-related information; to provide access to current research in effective teaching practices, the science of learning, instructional design, and instructional technology; to provide support and added value for faculty and staff professional development initiatives; and to provide ongoing assessment of effectiveness. (Taken straight from the PTLC objectives.) It seems like it will be a great asset to our campus. Most of our faculty consists of adjuncts who don't have much connection with each other. I think this will be a great place to discuss new techniques and to learn from each other, as well as a place to relax.

PantherTrail II

I recently had to compile a report of our lab's activity. That was an interesting exercise in futility for various reasons. As I have previously mentioned, we have switched from Accutrack, which seemed to crash daily, to PantherTrail as a more accurate means of record keeping. Most of our Accutrack data was lost, so I had to do a lot of estimating of this past summer's data. PantherTrail is so new, the report aspect of the system has not been ironed out. I have these records in PantherTrail that change everytime I look at the report. Needless to say, I don't think this report will be extremely accurate. I know I can't use it to request any sort of funding. The irony of all this is that I'm working in a computer lab, but requiring my tutors to keep paper records because the computer is unreliable.