Thursday, July 24, 2008


I was asked to resume my work with online tutoring for the English Writing Lab. If you've read earlier blogs, you know this topic is fairly controversial. The math lab has been very successful, but math is a completely different animal. The fact that our subject not only relies on typed text to convey the message but that the typed text is the message makes the project a little daunting in this abbreviated txting, l33t world. I pulled out my old research and did some additional research to prepare a presentation, and, for better or worse, we've agreed to begin using AskOnline with a limited group of students in the fall. Lake Worth is the main campus of PBCC, so implementing this program here will be much different than implementing it in Belle Glade. I've been asked to recruit a couple of tutors to volunteer for this pilot, which will be tricky. I need to find tutors who are tech savvy, don't mind a little extra work, and would support the initiative. I've asked one who's a little reluctant because of the extra work. I haven't yet decided on who else to ask. I may find three to help me out.

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