Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ingeniux V

I am responsible for managing the content of the following PBCC web pages:
  • Student Learning Center Staff Resources
  • Student Learning Center Student Resources (English and Reading sections)
  • Belle Glade Student Learning Center page and child pages
  • Belle Glade location page and child pages
  • Belle Glade Professional Teaching and Learning Center
  • Belle Glade Student Activities page and child page

While it's been fun working on some of these pages, I do have a tendency to get a little "tech- happy."  My maze of pages is getting a little out of control. Since I'm leaving PBCC in August, I'm working on distributing the responsibility of these pages, as well as reigning them in a little so they're a little easier to manage.

I'm chairing a subcommittee for the Student Learning Center to make our pages more student friendly, and I hope to finish with that major project before I leave. Ingeniux is set up a lot like an outline. There are major pages with detail pages underneath them. We've met to discuss our main SLC page and the second tier of pages which includes our four location pages along with student resources and staff resources. In the midst of these changes, Ingeniux has received some major updates. Overall, the updates make the CMS easier to use and a little more visually appealing, but it's still something new to learn. To see what the pages look like now, go to Of course, when you check this site out in July, it will look much different.

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