Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Turning Point II

I've used the Turning Point software in several situations now, and I do not feel like it enhanced the learning process enough to deal with the added work of creating these presentations. Turning Point works in conjunction with Power Point, so I create a presentatation in Power Point and then open it with Turning Point to create my questions. The students would be able to interact with the program by using the Student Response Systems ( or clickers). From their responses, I could tell who was participating and could monitor their progress. Unfortunately, every time I used this program, I encountered some sort of technical problem. The system seems great in theory, but the practice left much to be desired. Invariably half the clickers would not work, or I would open the presentation in Power Point rather than Turning Point, or the classroom computer wouldn't register the clickers. These little things could be ironed out with time, but taking into consideration how long it took me to make each of these presentations, I don't think it's worth the effort.

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